Thursday 11 July 2013

Hardware for student use

Some of the hardware components that we have available for use. More information on each one is available on our hardware page. If you would like to borrow one, have a look at our Borrowing page.

Zumo Robot Kit for Arduino (No Motors)
A Zumo Robot kit - this might lead to "Robot Wars"?

Ethernet Shield - W5100
An Ethernet Shield - control your Arduino from a web page

LCD Shield For Arduino
An LCD Shield - make your Arduino have a "Menu" or make text visible.

Arduino Wi-Fi Shield
A Wi-fi Shield - communicate with your Arduino wirelessly - perhaps even through Android?


Welcome to the CSC Technology Arduino Blog.

If you have found your way here, chances are that you are interested in Technology and in computers and micro-processors.

We aim to form a group of people who learn together and who support each other in the development of technologically advanced products.

To follow the progress of our group is of course free, but if you wish to become active within our group and borrow some of our shields or components, you must have your own Arduino Board and be able to prove to us that you are able to at least get started with it on your own. This will hopefully ensure that you understand that this is an intellectually challenging undertaking, not simply plugging together kids' robot components!

Owning your own Arduino before you borrow our components will help you to understand that
the hardware that we are able to share with students is delicate, fragile and needs to be treated with a certain sympathy and understanding.

We suggest the Arduino Uno R3 available through available by clicking the image below.

We want students to be able to contribute and post to this blog, so if you are serious about joining us on a technologically challenging journey, let us know!