Thursday 3 April 2014

Arduino LCD

After Mr Jagoutz asked me if I would like to help him [build]  a project of his -An LCD display that could be hung in the school office window and used to display school news/temperature/sports results - I was excited, because working with a teacher presented me with a unique opportunity to learn from [Mr Jagoutz] as we worked.

After some research I found a large LED matrix display⁴ from JayCar with a build in controller that was Arduino  compatible.

We (Myself & Mr Jagoutz) decided that before we committed to buying the display, we would try to do something similar but with one of the schools small 16x2 LCD displays⁵.

The following is the result of the above endevour:

While in activities on Wednesday afternoon I altered an example sketch I had gotten from the LCD shield manufacturers website⁷, This is the "Hello Mr Jag, It's working" examples. I ask if I could borrow the LCD shield, and once I got home, booted into Ubuntu and started coding. I wrote my own sketch from scratch - the flashing "Hello World".  And then altered one of the example sketches (Examples>LiquidCrystal>SerialDisplay) to send text to the Arduino.

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